Awards and other marks of recognition
2022 Cover of October issue of Digital Discovery.
2020 Gmelin-Beilstein Denkmünze 2020 of the German Chemical Society.
2019 Cover of the 2019 April issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society A with the paper "Formal structure of periodic system of elements"
2018 Delegate of the Division of the History of Chemistry (HIST) of the American Chemical Society to hand over the Citation for Chemical Breakthrough Award 2018 to the Universität Leipzig for the paper by Svante Arrhenius "Über die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit bei der Inversion von Rohrzucker durch Säuren” of 1889.
2017 Delegate of the Division of the History of Chemistry (HIST) of the American Chemical Society to hand over the Citation for Chemical Breakthrough Award 2016 to the Universität Innsbruck for the paper by Leopold Pfaundler "Beiträge zur chemischen Statik" of 1867
2016 Feature article of Journal of Cheminformatics with the paper "How frequently do clusters occur in hierarchical clustering analysis? A graph theoretical approach to studying ties in proximity"
2015 Notable reviewer of Foundations of Chemistry
2014 Georg Forster Fellow from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation/Stiftung
2014 Elected member of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry
2013 Performance Award in Chemistry, Young Talent 2013, award issued by the Chemistry Professional Council
2012 Distinguished visitor of the city of Cusco (Peru)
2012-2014 Associate editor of Current Computer-Aided Drug Design
2011 Member of the executive committee of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry
2010 Invited lecturer by the Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search (India)
2008 Postdoctoral grant issued by the Welch Foundation (USA)
2008 Summa cum laude doctor rerum natura, Universität Bayreuth, Germany
2005-2008 PhD grant issued by Colciencias (Colombia) and the Universidad de Pamplona (Colombia)
2005 Expert in Chemistry for the elaboration and evaluation of questions in the ECAES 2005 (Colombia)
2004 Outstanding Junior Chamber International Youngster of Northern Santander (Colombia)
2004 Grant to present research results at the “Third Joint Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics”, The University of Sheffield, UK
2003 Laureate MSc thesis, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia
1995-1997 Distinguished student, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia